We need to talk about The Coordinator Pattern

What is The Coordinator Pattern? The Coordinator Pattern is a design pattern used in software engineering and has been around a long time and was made popular by a blog post by Soroush Khanlou back in 2015. Right about the time when the MVC pattern became a meme in itself and was given the name… Continue reading We need to talk about The Coordinator Pattern

GameplayKit Validators

GameplayKit introduced a load of really useful data structures and algorithms when iOS 9 was released and I’ve barely scratched the surface of them. I’m not a game developer so I thought nothing of them but recently I’ve been going there first when trying to implement various systems. Previously this was using the GKStateMachine to manage… Continue reading GameplayKit Validators

Advanced NSOperations: NSURLSessionDataTask vs NSURLSessionDownloadTask

I recently posted a question on StackOverflow… Chaining Multiple Async Functions in Swift This eventually lead me to watching the excellent session from WWDC 2015… Advanced NSOperations I have previously used NSOperation and NSOperationQueue but never in a way as powerful as they demonstrated in this session. So, I thought my problems were solved! I downloaded the sample code that came… Continue reading Advanced NSOperations: NSURLSessionDataTask vs NSURLSessionDownloadTask

SpriteKit and Friends

This is a must watch and a lesson in how to do lightning talks. The amount of work that went into creating this is ridiculous. Good work Francesco!

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It’s Not Working or How to help your tech support help you.

I’ve worked as a developer (on various different languages and systems) over the past 6 years. Before that I worked in tech support and help desk support for a couple of companies. Something that has acted as a constant across this entire time are the three words “it’s not working”. As a developer/tech support person,… Continue reading It’s Not Working or How to help your tech support help you.

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